All Staff Safety Forum
The last of the mini All Staff Safety Forums was held at Medway Golf Course where our Maribyrnong Teams and others attended. Across the program we continued our focus on critical risks with the second of a series of toolboxes on Plant & Pedestrian Interaction (Control the Roll). A further toolbox was also held relating to Cranes and Lifting.

Sustainability Behaviour for April
This month also saw the introduction of the 3rd of the Sustainability Behaviours ‘Rise above the Norm’.


The rolling 12-month TRIFR rate is 2.57. The TRIFR for this financial year is 3.18.
KPI 2 ~ Safety Culture
SFP previously completed Safety Culture Surveys in May 2022. Responses from this survey resulted in an overall Pro-Gen score of 89%. The latest round of surveys commenced in the last week of November. SFP had over 100 participants complete this survey. Analysis indicates a score of 88% has been returned by SFP participants.
KPI 3 Performance