The return to work in January following the Christmas break has continued to ramp up over the month with approx. 34K hours worked.
During the month, all active sites ran face to face ‘Our Safety Focus 2024 – Leading by Example’ sessions which is the annual safety toolbox training session welcoming all personnel back to work and focusing on a safety theme for the year, this year’s being Leading by Example.
The return to work across the framework also saw an increase of adverse events being reported including a Medical Treatment Injury (MTI) which will impact the TRIFR.

The rolling 12-month TRIFR rate is 7.38. YTD is 7.57. These rates have unfortunately increased as a result of a MTI event that took place at North Yarra Main project.
KPI 2 ~ Safety Culture
In June of 2023, SFP carried out Safety Culture Surveys across all its sites. The survey included a participation of more than 120 individuals. The responses resulted in an overall Pro-Gen score of 89%. The next survey is proposed to take place in May/June of this year.
KPI 3 Performance