Projects have slowly ramped up in January following the Christmas break with some yet to fully ramp up.
The Christmas break also brought about an increase in the number of COVID cases and close contacts involving SFP personnel and contractors.
The return to work in January has also included toolbox talks covering a reinduction to SFP requirements as was as the focus for 2022, moments that matter. Moments that matter focuses on the importance that decision making has on the safety of individuals and others and encourages workers to speak up if they feel something isn’t right.


The rolling 12-month TRIFR rate as well as the TRIFR for this financial year is 0.00.
KPI 2 ~ Safety Culture
SFP completed the first of the ‘NEW’ format Safety Culture Surveys in November 2021. Responses from this survey have resulted in an overall Pro-Gen score of 86%. It is believed this will now become our new baseline score with future improvements based on this.
KPI 3 Performance