Safety Culture Survey
SFP continue to work with Melbourne Water and the other Framework Partners in developing and finalising a new safety culture survey. The survey will be introduced at the upcoming All Staff Safety Forum on 8 November and rolled out to project sites the following week.


The The rolling 12-month TRIFR rate is currently 3.38. The TRIFR for this financial year is 0.00.
KPI 2 ~ Safety Culture

SFP achieved a year end Generative Safety Culture Pro-Gen score of 74.15%. No further assessments have been undertaken in FY 2021/22.
KPI 3 Performance

3.3 ~ COVID19 restrictions continue to result in low numbers of walks as SFP is endeavouring to minimise site attendance by personnel where not required for operational purposes. With restrictions easing, SFP plans to get these back on track again as of November.

3.5 ~ Safety Improvements/Initiatives have dropped off in recent times. SFP will make a concentrated effort to encourage personnel to contribute to this area.

3.2 ~ ASTT’s have currently been placed on hold due to COVID19 impacts. None undertaken as yet in this financial year.

3.4 ~ Reporting continues to take place in a positive manner.