SFP continues to refine its training matrix to ensure all roles have specific training needs associated with them. As part of this process, 38 SFP members completed our online excavations and permit training modules.

SFP also hosted the first of an ongoing series of ‘byte’ sized online Melbourne Water Framework Partners Safety Forums. The session included a presentation by SFP on the recent fatigue management tool (AlertMeter®) trialed at Youell Street as well as sharing safety champions from across the framework which included acknowledgement of SFP’s safety champion, Ivan Burch. The session was well received with over 150 people logging in and included some great feedback.

Ivan Burch receiving Safety Champion Award from
Eamonn Kelly of Melbourne Water

Framework Safety Behaviours

SFP in conjunction with Melbourne Water leadership relaunched the Agreed Framework Safety Behaviours at project level toolbox meetings as well as well as at our program level safety forum.


The rolling 12-month TRIFR rate is currently 3.63. The TRIFR for this financial year is 0.00.

KPI 2 ~ Safety Culture

SFP achieved a year end Generative Safety Culture Pro-Gen score of 74.15%

KPI 3 Performance

3.1 ~ Forty-four SFP personnel took part in the August online Melbourne Water Framework Partners Safety Forum.

3.3 ~ COVID19 restrictions have resulted in low numbers of walks for the start of this Financial Year.

3.5 ~ Initiatives continue to be raised.

3.2 ~ ASTT’s have currently been placed on hold due to COVID19 impacts. None undertaken as yet in this Financial year.

3.4 ~ Reporting continues to take place in a very positive manner.