SFP ran All Staff Toolbox Talk across the framework with the key focus being ‘Exclusion Zones and Spotters’. This included the delivery of SFP’s internal Level 1 training session on ‘Vehicle/Mobile Plant Spotting. This approach has ensured that all SFP projects have appropriate and competent personnel undertaking these ‘spotting’ tasks.
SFP helped develop and deliver the recent Framework Safety Forum at Marvel Stadium. Approx. 150 personnel took part on the day with feedback indicating that it was a beneficial event. Feedback sort from the participants will also assist the Framework Partners in the design and development of future events.


The rolling 12-month TRIFR rate as well as the TRIFR for this financial year is 0.00.
KPI 2 ~ Safety Culture
SFP completed the first of the ‘NEW’ format Safety Culture Surveys in November 2021. Responses from this survey have resulted in an overall Pro-Gen score of 86%. The latest round of surveys commenced in the last week of May. SFP had 113 participants complete this survey. Preliminary results indicate an improved result of 89%.
KPI 3 Performance