Similar to the previous month of June, the month of July has witnessed a persistent emphasis on our crucial control inspections following a spate of HiPo’s from one of the JV partners in recent months. As a result, a significant number of just over 250 critical control inspections have been conducted across the SFP Program in July.

The focal points of July’s toolbox were centered on the “SFPJV Expectations of Workplace Behaviour,” encompassing topics such as Harassment, Bullying, and Victimization, SFP’s stance, Reasonable Management Action, and Discrimination. The second toolbox for the month addressed the Clearance of Protected Areas, which also incorporated the final and sixth aspect of Sustainability – leaving a legacy.


The rolling 12-month TRIFR rate is 2.57. The TRIFR for this financial year is 3.18.

KPI 2 ~ Safety Culture

In June of 2023, SFP carried out Safety Culture Surveys across all of its sites. This particular round of surveys was conducted with the participation of more than 120 individuals. The responses gathered from this survey have resulted in an overall Pro-Gen score of 89%.

KPI 3 Performance