In September toolbox training sessions were held on the topics of ‘The Importance of Connection’. This was part of SFPJV’s support of RUOK Day which also involved morning teas/lunches with guest presentations by HALT (Hope Assistance Local Tradies) as well as issuing ‘Conversation Starter’ shirts to SFPJV field personnel. The event was well received by those in attendance, including MW representatives (image below is from the MMSA event). SFPJV also delivered a toolbox focused on ‘Contaminants of Emerging Concern’ (CEC) and the ‘Use of Spill Kits’.
The month of October saw toolbox sessions providing a refresher of sorts on the Agreed Framework Safety Behaviours and the Stop Think Act Review (STAR) risk assessment process, as well as Hazardous Substances and Dangerous Goods.
In November SFPJV commenced its Six Weeks to Christmas Campaign in November. This involved weekly toolbox talks reinforcing one of the six agreed safety framework behaviours accompanied by a topical toolbox topic. The toolbox talks delivered in November were Right tools for the right task (Framework Behaviour (FB)) accompanied with Hot Works inc. Fire Danger Period; Get to know people, look out for each other (FB) accompanied with Snakes; Listening & Speaking Up (FB) accompanied with Speaking Up Makes a Difference. The schedule of toolbox talks has been shared with MW with several MW representatives also attending some of these sessions.
The rolling 12-month TRIFR is 2.20. The YTD TRIFR is zero.
KPI 2.2
Front Line Leaders Safety Walks & Workplace Inspections – This KPI began in October Quarter. Although project activities are close to their lowest levels, safety walks and inspections continue to take place at an acceptable level.
KPI 2.3
Leadership Team Walks & Talks – This KPI began in October Quarter. The numbers below do not include instances where SFPJV has requested MW attendance however MW could not make it.
KPI 2.4
Near Miss & Hazards reporting is on track to reach MCOS and Stretch targets of 96 and 120 respectively.
KPI 2.5
Timely Reporting & Closure of Events – This involves reporting of high potential events or injuries resulting in RWI, MTI or LTI etc. in accordance with MCD Service Provider Notification Guide (SPNG).
A scoring table to be developed in line with MW requirements.