Lillydale Lake Wetland was originally constructed to contribute to Melbourne Water’s State Environment Protection Policy (SEPP) 100 tonne nitrogen removal target and to provide other stormwater treatment functions for gross pollutants, suspended solids and phosphorus. The existing wetland was not achieving its intended stormwater quality treatment function due largely to the lack of emergent aquatic vegetation cover and short circuiting of the design flow paths in the wetland.

The objectives of the project were to:

  • Restore the stormwater treatment function of the wetland.
  • Improve the safety and maintainability of the wetland.
  • Improve the habitat and amenity of the site.

Scope of Work

Supply, construct, install, integrate and commission for the Lilydale Lake Wetland. Major elements include:

  • Community Engagement (plan developed by MW).
  • Dewatering of the wetlands.
  • Importation, placement and compaction of clay to form new shape of wetlands
  • Undertaking all soil treatment to manage Potential Acid Sulfate Soils
  • Construction of the internal wetland bund wall.
  • Structural modifications and installation of pits and pipes.
  • Construction of inlet rock chute, control outlet weir and outlet rock chute
  • Topsoil application to wetland area to allow for planting by Others

Innovation & Complexity

SFP’s key drivers for the project are:

  • Minimising community implact.
  • Stormwater flow management.
  • Staging of works to reduce project costs, duration and risk.
  • Minimise envrionmental impact of high profile public amenity


  • Drones were used to undertake surveys of the wetlands to measure progress and check construction levels.

Project Outcomes

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As the project nears completion, zero LTI’s have been incurred and only one MTI. We have run fortnightly toolboxes with all Personnel onsite and encouraged discussion of any issues or ideas for improvement.

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Compaction to 98% achieved below new control structures to ensure long term stability and function.

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Outcome of the Project will improve water quality in the receiving Lillydale Lake and provide habitat for aquatic fauna and various bird breeds.


The project improves the quality of the water in the lake, a very popular amenity used for various activities.

Key Staff Involved

Matt Lyon
Project Manager

Jenny Hiller
Community Engagement

Louie Naldrett
Senior Project Engineer

Simon Crowther

Dave Plunkett
